Sunday, June 20, 2010

Letters to the Jonesboro Sun: Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

Mr. May and the homosexual "attack" on the Armed Forces:

"I am a retired soldier, and to allow open homosexuals to serve in the military is damaging to military readiness and will hurt the morale and cohesion of the unit."

I'm a veteran and I know too. Only REAL Americans® join the military and subscribe to lofty military ideals like honor, courage, commitment, semper fidelis, upholding the Constitution or serving their country, etc. This is why there has never been ANY homosexual in the ENTIRE history of U.S. military service. Hypothetically, if there are any gays in the military, they serve their country by hiding in fear of being administratively separated because their personal life is EVERYONE'S business. If DADT is repealed then the whole military will be over-run with gays who can never be discriminated against anymore! Homophobes discriminating against human beings or constant deployments aren't the real reason for a drop in espirit d 'corps or readiness—the gays are with taking too long to coordinate shoes with their camouflage. What is the world coming to!? This is an outrage!

"This doesn't hold true for Democrats who look at homosexuals as voters. This opportunity has pushed homosexual activists to begin applying pressure…" They work hard to be recognized as normal."

ALL homosexuals are abnormal liberal Democrats who eat babies--even the gay Log Cabin Republican voting bloc. They're trying to convert EVERYONE to their gayness by their outrage of not having equal protection under the law. They're so sneaky!

"They might even be Nazi-communist-socialist-liberal-fascists too!" –Glenn Beck

"I don't go along with their choice of lifestyle."

The gay banditos are out to tickle you with a pink feather boa which will magically make you "pick" the "choice" of intimidation, threats, bullying, and lack of career advancements.

"I merely want to tell them we're praying they'll see the light— before it's too late."

Just like Fred Phelps says "God hates fags!" because Jesus is a Republican and it's not hypocritical to cry "concerned" crocodile tears either. Remember when you point a finger; there are three more pointing back.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Letters to the Editor::Illegal Immigration: Part Deux

All non-Americans

I agree with Mr. Turman on the subject of Mexicans and all non-Americans. I have family in Northwest Arkansas; seems as if every time I visit there, the number is rising drastically with them.

The fact that they are hired by these true Americans to work for less pay is even still depressing; as our families need these jobs as much or more than they do. We all know they're worthier simply because they're one of us. Thanks to the greedy employers, ours are not able to make ends meet and are losing their homes. It's causing added stress on marriages as husbands are trying relentlessly to find other or any suitable work. My family members are victims here.

Legal or illegal, I still believe they need to go back home so we can pick ourselves up.

The people that run this country will never be affected by all this. Luckily, they're wealthy enough to live and maintain the lifestyles they've created for themselves. I will add that by being sly and dishonest is how most of them got to where they are.

I can't speak for everyone, but I, for one, am tired of seeing their taco stands, burrito stands, restaurants and convenience stores on every other street, corner or block. I am tired of seeing them operating businesses here after what they did to the Americans in New York. Their audacity to even show up here is enough to make any American want to literally bite nails.

Let up, Americans! Be leery that if they do somehow figure out how to take over this country that it just may cost you your bread and butter. Maybe not because you will have enough money set aside for you and yours. Sleep on this for a while.

Sherry Craig


How I interpreted Mrs. Craig's letter:

"I can't speak for everyone, but every time I visit there the number is rising drastically with them. I am tired of seeing their taco and burrito stands, restaurants and convenience stores on every other street, corner or block. I am tired of seeing them operating businesses here after what they did to the Americans in New York. "

All problems in America are because there's a brown tsunami flooding this country by The Mexicans. They're engaging in a "reconquista" to turn Middle America into a hot bed of militant, radical Catholicism that will be called Aztlan with its capitol in northwest Arkansas known as Nuevo Mazatlan. It was radical Mexican Catholics that perpetrated 9/11 who were funded exclusively by road side burrito or taco stands and Tex-Mex restaurants--all fronts to terrorism. Also, they're corrupting our youth with their upbeat and dance-able salsa and mariachi music. BEWARE!

"We're better than they are and be leery that if they do somehow figure out how to take over this country that it just may cost you your bread and butter even if they're legal. They should all go home because of the added stress on marriages as husbands are trying relentlessly to find work.

Mexicans steal--especially jobs from husbands trying to find work because wives do not have jobs! This country is only for WASPs.

"The fact that they are hired by these greedy true American employers to work for less pay causing folks to not be able to make ends meet and are losing their homes."

We REAL Americans® can't be paying a few more cents on our produce by having actual immigration and drug prohibition reform causing immigrants to be paid a legal wage and treated fairly. We certainly should not be vigorously prosecuting human traffickers or businesses that exploit Hispanics. I mean Mexicans caused the financial collapse causing people to lose their homes--not unscrupulous financial companies on Wall Street. Right?

"Maybe not because you will have enough money set aside for you and yours."

Buy gold from Glenn Beck!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Letters to the Jonesboro Sun: Illegal Immigration

Assimilate, already

"In 1907 Teddy Roosevelt's ideas on immigrants is that you should insist that if an immigrant comes here in good faith, becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he should be treated with exact equality as everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, birthplace or origin.

But this is predicated on the person becoming in every way an American and nothing but an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American but something else also isn't an American at all. We have room but for one flag, the American flag. We have room but for one language here — that is the English language. We have room but for one sole loyalty, and that loyalty is to the American people.

Well our government appears to have forgotten this. They refuse to make English our national language.

Nancy Pelosi even stated it is un-American to stop illegals from crossing the border.

If you slip into Mexico you go to jail. In the United States you receive housing, welfare and food stamps.

I have friends in Arizona who say crime among illegals is out of control. They fly the Mexican flag in their yards. If they love that flag so much why don't they go home?

If people who knowingly help illegals were thrown into jail, that would send them all back home, if they had no jobs and were cut off all aid.

Every president since Ronald Reagan is gutless, and Obama is the worst of the lot.

The stores and government offices make it easy for those people by posting everything in Spanish. They should not do this.

I have read that the Mexicans have bragged they will take over our country. The truth is they already have.

Not one word have I heard about what people running in the elections will do about the illegals. We need to vote out the incumbents and get people who represent the American people."

Burt Turman



My analysis of recent letter to the Sun:

  1. You'll wind up in prison in Mexico if you attempt to immigrate there illegally. It's a well known fact that thousands of red-blooded Americans are jumping the border into Mexico to find gainful employment in an attempt to avoid starvation and to seek a safer living environment in drug cartel controlled border towns. Also, Nancy Pelosi said it was un-Mexican to stop Americans from entering Mexico.
  2. If you don't have an American flag in your yard or use another country's flag as a symbol of heritage you should go back from whence you came. This country is only for REAL Americans® whose ancestors didn't hail from all over the world. I'm not sure about those Native Americans who might've immigrated illegally to North America during the last ice age over the Bering Strait land bridge though. Also, make sure you tell all those good old boys to either go back from where they came from or take that Confederate navy jack down and peel that sticker off their truck.
  3. We should only speak English in this country because a majority speaks it! Majority is ALWAYS right. The rest of the world is multilingual and Americans shouldn't have to learn any language besides English. Also, Mandarin Chinese does not have the greatest number of native speakers either-- Luxembourgish does. All signs should have Luxembourgish on them!
  4. Mexicans have already taken over this country with their current exploitation, I mean employment, by enterprising and cost cutting businesses that hire surreptitiously and pay them an illegal, below minimum wage taking competitive jobs like digging rice levies, picking produce, or landscaping jobs from pasty and flabby suburbanite Caucasians. Don't forget about how those Chicanos are placing you and your family in danger with their hard work ethic and tasty and delicious Tex-Mex cuisine establishments.
  5. Also, every President since Reagan is gutless and Obama is the worst because if you disagree with me politically--well you deserve to be called sophomoric epithets just like an articulate middle school student in a cafeteria.