Sunday, June 20, 2010

Letters to the Jonesboro Sun: Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

Mr. May and the homosexual "attack" on the Armed Forces:

"I am a retired soldier, and to allow open homosexuals to serve in the military is damaging to military readiness and will hurt the morale and cohesion of the unit."

I'm a veteran and I know too. Only REAL Americans® join the military and subscribe to lofty military ideals like honor, courage, commitment, semper fidelis, upholding the Constitution or serving their country, etc. This is why there has never been ANY homosexual in the ENTIRE history of U.S. military service. Hypothetically, if there are any gays in the military, they serve their country by hiding in fear of being administratively separated because their personal life is EVERYONE'S business. If DADT is repealed then the whole military will be over-run with gays who can never be discriminated against anymore! Homophobes discriminating against human beings or constant deployments aren't the real reason for a drop in espirit d 'corps or readiness—the gays are with taking too long to coordinate shoes with their camouflage. What is the world coming to!? This is an outrage!

"This doesn't hold true for Democrats who look at homosexuals as voters. This opportunity has pushed homosexual activists to begin applying pressure…" They work hard to be recognized as normal."

ALL homosexuals are abnormal liberal Democrats who eat babies--even the gay Log Cabin Republican voting bloc. They're trying to convert EVERYONE to their gayness by their outrage of not having equal protection under the law. They're so sneaky!

"They might even be Nazi-communist-socialist-liberal-fascists too!" –Glenn Beck

"I don't go along with their choice of lifestyle."

The gay banditos are out to tickle you with a pink feather boa which will magically make you "pick" the "choice" of intimidation, threats, bullying, and lack of career advancements.

"I merely want to tell them we're praying they'll see the light— before it's too late."

Just like Fred Phelps says "God hates fags!" because Jesus is a Republican and it's not hypocritical to cry "concerned" crocodile tears either. Remember when you point a finger; there are three more pointing back.

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